Chapter Eternal


May each Frater's memory be enshrined in the mindsa and hearts of those with whom he had lived.

NameScroll #Initiation DateDeceasedNotification On
James E Cucksee43412/14/199712/6/202312/21/2023
Tommy Stripling12911/25/19779/8/20219/15/2021
Timothy J. Dwyer2763/17/19855/14/20216/3/2021
Tommy C. Miles10411/21/19765/11/20205/14/2020
Timothy M. Bollwerk35610/13/19911/1/20205/20/2024
Gerald S. Taylor192/24/19735/5/2019 
David J. Ferguson, Jr.3131/24/19881/1/20192/24/2025
James W. Bannerman1445/29/19782/8/20173/29/2019
Jack L. Stephens12010/16/1977 6/1/2016
Clarence F. Smith122/24/1973 6/1/2016
Cary B. Cauley152/24/1973 6/1/2016
Charles T. Ezen372/24/1973 6/1/2016
Curtis Inman442/24/1973 6/1/2016
Matthew W. Elliot4176/10/1996 6/1/2016
Curtis A. Jones1991/18/1981 6/1/2016
Stephen O. Berger2743/17/1985 6/1/2016
Michael D. Sprayberry1434/30/1978 12/21/2015
Michael A. Fitzmaurice352/24/197312/16/20142/10/2017
George A. Eddington, Jr.502/24/19739/8/20122/10/2017
Todd A. Sumption3844/18/19937/14/20122/22/2023
Cody Valentine5504/11/20104/5/20114/5/2011
James R. Ford106/24/19733/15/20072/10/2016
Jake Martinec2172/23/19827/27/20067/27/2006
Julian H. Lee6512/2/19734/8/20052/10/2017
Ernest R. Stone906/1/19753/1/20052/10/2016
Arthur Smitha6210/14/19734/1/20044/1/2004
Kenneth R. Boggs2326/5/19832/5/20042/6/2004
Tommy Crumley16611/27/1979 8/22/2002
Scott N. Howard1793/30/19801/20/19948/22/2002
Ernest B. House362/24/19732/24/19738/22/2002
Alan Anchors12211/28/19771/1/19001/1/2021
Rodney D. McClain2951/19/19871/1/19001/1/2021

The Xi-Chi Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon at Kennesaw State University was installed as a chapter on February 24, 1973.

Since 1899, Tau Kappa Epsilon has never had an exclusionary clause for membership. TKE does not judge men on their wealth, rank or honor, but instead on their personal worth and character.

Our mission is to "to aid men in their mental, moral, and social development for life." In essence, we build Better Men for a Better World.